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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 66, Issue 5, pp. 1473-1837

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Traveling Fronts in Pressure-Driven Combustion

Fathi Dkhil and K. P. Hadeler

pp. 1473-1481

Small- and Waiting-Time Behavior of a Darcy Flow Model with a Dynamic Pressure Saturation Relation

C. M. Cuesta and J. R. King

pp. 1482-1511

Permeability Hysteresis in Gravity Counterflow Segregation

C. E. Schaerer, D. Marchesin, M. Sarkis, and P. Bedrikovetsky

pp. 1512-1532

A Semianalytical Thermal Stress Model for the Czochralski Growth of Type III-V Compounds

C. Sean Bohun, Huaxiong Huang, Ian Frigaard, and Shuqing Liang

pp. 1533-1562

Discrete-Time SIS EpidemicModel in a Seasonal Environment

Abdul-Aziz Yakubu and John E. Franke

pp. 1563-1587

The Motion of a Thin Liquid Film Driven by Surfactant and Gravity

M. Shearer and R. Levy

pp. 1588-1609

Interaction of Advancing Fronts and Meniscus Profiles Formed by Surface-Tension-Gradient-Driven Liquid Films

Andreas Münch and P. L. Evans

pp. 1610-1631

Algorithms for Finding Global Minimizers of Image Segmentation and Denoising Models

Mila Nikolova, Selim Esedoglu, and Tony F. Chan

pp. 1632-1648

Multiple Scattering by Multiple Spheres: A New Proof of the Lloyd--Berry Formula for the Effective Wavenumber

C. M. Linton and P. A. Martin

pp. 1649-1668

Non-Lorentzian Spectral Lineshapes Near a Hopf Bifurcation

J. P. Gleeson and F. O'Doherty

pp. 1669-1688

Phase Transitions and Change of Type in Low-Temperature Heat Propagation

Katarzyna Saxton and Ralph Saxton

pp. 1689-1702

Fiber Dynamics in Turbulent Flows: General Modeling Framework

Nicole Marheineke and Raimund Wegener

pp. 1703-1726

The Linear Limit of the Dipole Problem for the Thin Film Equation

Mark Bowen and Thomas P. Witelski

pp. 1727-1748

Exact Artificial Boundary Conditions for Continuum and Discrete Elasticity

Sunmi Lee, Russel E. Caflisch, and Young-Ju Lee

pp. 1749-1775

Dynamic Behavior of a Paced Cardiac Fiber

John W. Cain

pp. 1776-1792

Cylinder Buckling: The Mountain Pass as an Organizing Center

Jiří Horák, Gabriel J. Lord, and Mark A. Peletier

pp. 1793-1824

Convergence of Strong Shock in a Van der Waals Gas

Rajan Arora and V. D. Sharma

pp. 1825-1837